Friday, April 03, 2009


Kotaku Balikpapan
Banyak orang Indonesia mengatakan Balikpapan small city recapitulasi dari Singapore

dilihat dr tata kota sedikit mirip

tapi karena banyaknya pendatang maka skrg sedikit crowded about traffic

i like live here

kota Balikpapan

kota industri dan minyak

untuk hiburan,

ada mall di pusat kota, Balikpapan Center

ada tempat grosir di pusat kota, blauran klandasan

ada cinemax XXI

cocok untuk adventure cause a lot of place for hiking

this is one of them

Agrowisata KM23

Information about Honey Bear completely here

Did u see the cat??? How that can be???

Quizzz, how far do u know about bear from around the world

relax for a while,,, waiting for honey bear to come out

action for music album cover,,, dreaming,,, heheeee

like a children play balancing,,, actually this game is for kids
we didnt know then someone told us,,, very ambarasing :D

Bear world with bear group

This is the biggest bear in there... nice picture

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